sites we like
blog sites
- The Two Unfortunates
- The Faithful by @Luzhniki2008
- Terrace Chat
- The Lost Boyos by @mophead_88
- Groundhopping the Globe! by @I_am_DJS -
- The League 2 View by @JoeDC96
- Tomb of the Unknown Footballer by @TOTUFNostalgia
- Ross and Adrian's Stadium Guide
- Sense or Senility? Adventures of a Ground Geek
- The Wycombe Wanderer Groundhopping Blog
- Away Chips blog - rating and slating ground across the North-west
- Beautiful Game 2015 - Two friends from each side of the North London football divide, exploring football in the capital, surrounding areas & beyond!
- 'Away the Gas' - A new book about Bristol Rovers AWAY matches with accompanying blog
- Football by footpath - the quirky way to arrive at British football grounds
- Shaun Smith's groundhopping football blog 'The 100 Football Grounds Club'
- Hopper & Son - Father and son groundhopping duo coming soon to a ground near you!
- Buzzin Football Blog
- Buzzin Championship Football Blog
- Buzzin League 1 Football Blog
- #TOURDE92 - Tales from friends Graham and Sam as they do the 92
- Doing the 92 plus a few more
- Steve Hall's journey to cycle the 92 league grounds
- - Martin Armitage's Groundhopping blog
- The 94th Minute blog - groundhopping the Welsh leagues
- Tales from the Top Flight - a Football Blog with a difference...
- The Away End ground hopping blog
- Premier League blog with new, photos, video and opinion
- The Elite Football Journal - an impartial football blog including regular trips doing the 92 and other relevant topics
- The Rainham End - groundhopping blog
- 'Matt the Jacks' groundhopping blog
Stadium-related websites
safe standing
- FSF Safe Standing Campaign
- Safe Standing Roadshow
club sites & forums
- Saints mad
- Saints mad forum
- Walsall Web-Fans Forum
- Oatcake Fanzine - Stoke City Forum
- One Vale Fan Forum
general interest
- BBC Football
- Skysports Football
- Football Ground Guide Website